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Uniting Moderates

United Utah Party

The United Utah Party is focused on good government - the process by which our laws are made and executed. We believe that good government requires transparency, fairness, and a robust and civil debate. We believe that public policy should ultimately reflect the will of the people. Public servants must act with integrity and according to their oaths of office.


-The United Utah Preamble

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The United Utah Party unites all who want to end the extreme partisanship that has corrupted our political conversation. We focus on practical solutions based on common sense and common ground.

We are the voice for Utah's Uniters.

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Why Join UUP

The current political landscape is undeniably polarized, to the point that each side of the aisle believes the other side is their enemy. This is unacceptable. We are citizens of Utah and citizens of America, and we all have the same goal—to leave America better than we found it. We need to catch sight of this goal as Utahns and Americans if we are to persevere and progress as a country. While I agree with many facets of the party platform, the deeper drive that is pushing me to join the United Utah Party is the belief that this party is the best vehicle to restore civility, compromise, and conscience into the political discourse.


—Tucker Smith

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